Back in Action 2025

Back in Action (2025)

Emily and Matt, who had once worked for the CIA, come across a big problem when they are found out to have been with the enemy. They were pulled into the unsafe and unpredictable world of espionage again, that’s why they became the game for hunted enemies and were the target of a web of betrayal. Using their skills and their sense, they go for the mission of learning who wants the leak. It is a challenging time and their every movement is a danger to them. In their task, they have discovered that their determination and their relationship are put under the test when they are up against the difficulties that have caused them problems in the past to help them reach their future. Follow Ask4Movie Action Movies for more.

Back in Action Movie Online Free Streaming

Title: Back in Action (2025)
Genres: 2025 Movies | Spy, Action, Comedy
Director: Seth Gordon
Writer: Seth Gordon, Brendan O’Brien
Stars: Jamie Foxx, Cameron Diaz, McKenna Roberts